Steps to do before you make your 1st student loan payment. Student loans often help make it possible to earn a degree, which over time can help you earn more. If student loans were a part of your college funding strategy, you'll start repaying them soon. Follow these helpful tips along your path to repayment and you could be well on your way to a bright financial … [Read more...] about Student Loans
Identity theft occurs when a person commits fraud while posing as someone else. The threat of identity theft is real and can take months or even years to recover from once you are a victim. Use the information below to familiarize yourself with the precautions you can take to minimize the chance of becoming a victim and, if you are a victim, these steps will help you correct … [Read more...] about Identity Theft
Federal Student Loan Websites Complete FAFSA® – Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) to see what aid may be available to help you pay for college Federal Student Aid- Get ready for college or career school, learn about federal student aid and how to apply using the FAFSA®, and get information on repaying student loans Federal Student … [Read more...] about Loan Websites
State Work-Study Pays. Earn money & experience. Pennsylvania has its own State Work-Study Program outside of Federal Work-Study. The program is open to all PA students, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements. This is an additional opportunity to earn money for school and experience for the real world. The State Work-Study Program is a great option for … [Read more...] about Work Study
Do you know a high-performing Missouri State-West Plains student looking to transfer to a four-year institution? Does he or she have financial need? If so, please encourage him or her to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, which provides up to $40,000 annually to community college students and recent alumni who will pursue a bachelor's … [Read more...] about Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship