While the GRE exam is required for all applications to the MSW program, due to the current delays in getting GRE exams scheduled in Springfield, students may submit their applications by the May 31 deadline without official or unofficial GRE scores provided they: a) indicate in their application packet that they have made valid attempts to get a testing date sooner but were unable; b) have a GRE exam scheduled by mid-June. The School of Social Work will begin processing applications that meet this criteria after the May 31 deadline and may invite applicants to the June 14 interviews even if GRE scores are pending. However, GRE scores must be received and verified before an official acceptance will be offered (even if applicants are invited to an interview without the scores).
After the exam is taken, the unofficial scores should be sent to Dr. Darryl Haslam as soon as possible. Applicants should employ all reasonable means to get the GRE done before the deadline by using the following:
- Calling the Springfield GRE testing office for cancelations. Cancelations do happen, but are at times on short notice and get taken quickly.
- Calling other GRE testing centers in the region that may be farther away but have sooner availability, such as Rolla, Jefferson City, St. Louis and Fayetteville, if time and travel permit this.