Message from Chancellor Shirley Lawler to Faculty and Staff
Greetings from Kellett Hall,
I just completed my first month on the job, and what a wonderful month it has been! I cannot thank you enough for the warm welcome I have received from the University employees, as well as from the West Plains community. Everyone has made me feel at home and excited about joining the Missouri State-West Plains team in serving the students of this region.
I have had the privilege to meet many of you at various meetings and community gatherings—and everyone has a story connected to Missouri State-West Plains. As they recount their experiences here on the campus, the individuals always talk about the tremendous dedication of the faculty and staff. It is evident that the University is extremely important to the residents of this community. I am so proud to be able to join you in serving the West Plains area and the fine people of this region.
This is the first edition of Shirley’s Corner, and I will use this format periodically to update you on major news, initiatives and events. Below are a few items of note.
One-time Retention Payment
The Board of Governors visited West Plains June 21 and June 22 for a meeting. During this meeting, a one-time retention payment of $700 was approved for full-time faculty and staff. The payment will be included in the August 2018 paychecks. To be eligible to receive the payment, employees must hold a full-time position on Aug. 1, 2018, and have been employed in a full-time position on or before Jan. 1, 2018. The one-time payment, including the West Plains portion, is being centrally funded by President Smart from the University reserves.
Back to School Activities
Students will be moving into the Grizzly House and Grizzly Lofts on Saturday, August 18, and the first week of classes will be Welcome Week. The housing office will be looking for volunteers to help students move in, and there is a great line-up of Welcome Week activities. I am looking forward to the opportunity to interact and engage with students as the fall semester gets underway.
I hope everyone has an opportunity to enjoy some downtime during the remaining summer days. Please feel free to stop by the office if you are in the area. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Always remember, what we do each day for students does make a difference.
Shirley Lawler