In attendance: Kileene Collins, Grayson Gordon, Emily Gibson, Scott Schneider, Mary Kellum, Eryn Walters, Karla Bean, Kris Brinkerhoff, Bill Brown, Luke Pitchford and Chulapol Thanomsing. I. Updates Chancellor: Next week he will be attending the Board of Governor's Retreat and will be discussing enrollment, retention, academic standings and long range plan. Please … [Read more...] about Staff Senate Meeting Minutes 2015/03/06
In attendance: Kileene Collins, Grayson Gordon, Emily Gibson, Scott Schneider, Mary Kellum, Eryn Walters, Sherath Rongali, Luke Pitchford and Chulapol Thanomsing. I. Updates Chancellor: Not present Welcome New Employees: Mugs were given to Wayne and Luke Pitchford. Wayne Cahoj, General Buyer, Drago College Store Eryn Walters, Development Events Coordinator Open … [Read more...] about Staff Senate Meeting Minutes 2015/02/06
In attendance: Michelle Branton, Shiela Barton, Sylvia Kuhlmeier, Joe Kammerer, Sharath Rongali, Alyssa Collins, Becky Estes, Mary Kellum, Scott Schneider, Grayson Gordon, and Chulapol Thanomsing. I. Updates Chancellor: Dr. Bennett addressed the Staff Senate: He shared that enrollment is up 3.9% at this time. We are anticipating a $5.00 increase in tuition. All of the A+ … [Read more...] about Staff Senate Meeting Minutes 2015/01/16
In attendance: Kileene Collins, Sheila Barton, Sharath Rongali, Grayson Gordon, Lu Adams (via conference phone), Karla Bean, CJ Collins, Scott Schneider, Mary Kellum, Jill Stephens, Emily Gibson, Luke Pitchford and Chulapol Thanomsing. Updates Chancellor: Thanks to IT, Scott and the Physical Plant for the reminder email regarding protecting our computer equipment while … [Read more...] about Staff Senate Meeting Minutes 2014/12/18
In attendance: Kileene Collins, Bronwen Madden, Sharath Rongali, Grayson Gordon, Alyssa Collins, Caitlin Crouse, Lu Adams, Mary Maupin, Kris Brinkerhoff, Becky Estes, Melody Hubbell, Jill Stephens, Mat Crouse, Emily Gibson, and Chulapol Thanomsing. Agenda I. Updates Chancellor: Dr. Bennett advised we will have representatives from our campus for the MSU Strategic Vision … [Read more...] about Staff Senate Meeting Minutes 2014/11/07