Area community agencies provide ongoing opportunities for persons to give back through volunteering. Below are various ideas and agencies’ information to help find ways of volunteering.
For information on time-sensitive volunteering opportunities visit our upcoming opportunities page.
Any school that is in session
Any hospital
Any retirement or convalescent facility
Disaster Relief – Assist with logistical tasks—getting food to disaster, putting up shelters
Area Agencies
American Red Cross
American Red Cross
1545 N West Bypass
Springfield, MO 65803
Description: Join the American Red Cross in performing humanitarian work. Your commitment to the Red Cross not only means helping others within your community through your local Red Cross; it means helping others across the world by joining the millions of volunteers worldwide that make up the global Red Cross network.
Local Volunteer Opportunities:
- Blood Drive Volunteer – Greet and register blood donors, hand out informational brochures.
- Blood Donor Recruiter – Work with individuals, groups, and companies to recruit blood donors and promote blood drives.
- Disaster Relief Action Team Member – Go to fires in area, help provide families with shelter, food, clothing and other needs
- Office Work – Answer phones, inform people of services, direct to resource agencies, help volunteers restock fire response vehicle.
- Health and Safety Instructor – Teach community classes such as CPR, First Aid and water safety to children and adults.
- Disaster Preparedness Presenter – Educate individuals and groups on how to be prepared before a disaster occurs.
- Babysitting Course Instructor – Become certified and teach American Red Cross Babysitting courses to teenagers.
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
- Disaster team – respond to emergency situations such as tornadoes and hurricanes throughout the country. May work in shelter, help with mass feeding, etc.
Contact: Springfield Area office of the American Red Cross
Phone: (866) 206-0256 or (417) 832-9500
Website: American Red Cross
The Avenue Theatre
The Avenue Theatre
PO Box 914
307 Washington Avenue
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Volunteer opportunities available at the theatre include minor fix-up/cleaning, major repairs/renovations and directing. For theatre-sponsored productions: stage hand/stage managing, technical assistant, set design/scenery, costumes, publicity and non-performance related areas, working at the box office/concession stand, handing out programs, ushering and clean up.
The Avenue Theatre is owned and operated by the 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization Arts on the Avenue, Inc.
Boys and Girls Club of the Greater West Plains Area
Boys and Girls Club of the Greater West Plains Area
West Plains Elementary
1136 Allen St.
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: A few of the areas volunteers can become involved: Arts, Crafts, Sports, Science Projects, Conservation, Reading, Education, Games, mentoring roles and much more. If you have a cool talent we will find a way to incorporate it.
Contact: Director Lavada Mann
Phone: (417) 204-2582
Christian Campus House
Christian Campus House
802 West Main
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Christian Campus House is set out to reach and disciple students into a mature relationship with Jesus. CCH wants to amplify the body of Christ, making disciples in sharing the love of Jesus to the West Plains Campus of Missouri State University. CCH is designed to encourage and engage in the community through hands on activities.
- Local outreach from neighbor to neighbor.
- Serve meals at local food banks, drives and events.
- Work with other community based programs who are about humanitarian work.
- Babysitting. Many couples just need a night out and quality time together.
- Inner City work with churches and other organizations geared to help the homeless and families in/below the poverty line.
- Helping students in the transition from High School to College.
- Mission Trips (Arizona, New Orleans, Mexico, Virginia, Texas, etc.)
- Helping with weekly activities put on by CCH.
Contact: Contact Director Stephen Dulaney
Phone: (314) 478-2445
Christos House
Christos House, Inc.
PO Box 771
1564 Imperial Center
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Main volunteer opportunities are in re-sale shops in West Plains and Alton. Need sorters, stockers, customer service and general retail work. Volunteers for general office work are also needed periodically at Outreach Centers and Shelter.
Contact: Melissa Littleshield
Website: Christos House
Volunteer Application: volunteer application
Christ’s Kitchen
Christ’s Kitchen
503 W. Main
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Christ’s Kitchen is a food pantry at First United Methodist Church in West Plains, Missouri. Volunteers are needed to bag food.
10:30 AM-Noon, Tuesdays & Thursdays
Contact: Christ’s Kitchen
Phone: (417) 256-6167
Crystal Creek Ranch
Crystal Creek Ranch
Co Rd E-414
HC3, Box 55
Eminence, MO 65466
Description: Volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of tasks, some of which include:
Gardening, landscaping, small animal care, general labor, may be some office work available.
Gardening, landscaping, small animal care, general labor, may be some office work available.
Volunteers will be asked to complete an application.
Contact: Crystal Rutledge
Phone: (573) 226-2222
Good Samaritan Care Clinic
Good Samaritan Care Clinic
501 US-60
Mountain View, MO 65548
Description: Good Samaritan Care Clinic is seeking health care professionals willing to assume volunteer positions.
- Licensed medical providers
- Licensed RN’s & LPN’s
- Lab technicians
- Licensed dentists
- Dental assistants
- Licensed pharmacists
- Pharmacy technicians
- Office/clerical personnel
Volunteers are given the opportunity to serve their community and the less fortunate from a several county region. Licensed health professionals who volunteer at Good Samaritan Care Clinic are covered by malpractice insurance through the volunteer legal expense fund. The rewards are both professional and personal.
Volunteers are typically asked to donate from three to four hours of service, one Monday evening every seven weeks. (arrangements are flexible)
Good Samaritan Care Clinic is a 501(c)(3) corporation health clinic organized in late 2003 for the purpose of providing free health services to the uninsured and is directed by an ten-member board and three-member advisory council. The clinic is staffed by volunteer professionals and three part-time employees.
Contact: Clinic Administrator Sheri Noble
Phone: (417) 934-6500
Health Haven Botanical Gardens
Health Haven Botanical Gardens
63 Bypass & St. Rt. 17 (Physical)
905 W. Thornburg St. (Mailing)
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: General gardening and maintenance volunteer positions.
Contact: Executive Director Jeri Dias
Phone: (417) 293-8533
Helping Hands Equine Program
Helping Hands Equine Program
1025 CR 8530
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: The Helping Hands Equine program is a not-for-profit organization that uses horse back riding as a modality to therapeutic treatment to individuals with physical, occupational, behavioral and cognitive disabilities. The mission of Helping Hands Equine Program is to provide programs that improve the health and quality of life for children and adults with disabilities by providing equestrian activities including therapeutic horseback riding and hippotherapy. Volunteers are needed to catch, groom and saddle therapy horses. Volunteers can lead horses, provide for rider safety and assist the instructors in conducting the classes. They must know or learn about horses and be willing to work with disabled persons.
Every Tuesday evening (3:30-5:30 PM)
Contact: Linda Risner
Phone: (417) 274-1917
Ozarks Food Harvest:
806 State Highway Y
Mountain View, MO 65548
Days/Hours of Operation:
First Thursday of the month 8 AM to Noon
Phone: (417) 277-5521
First Baptist Church
120 S. Walnut St.
West Plains, MO 65775
Days/Hours of Operation:
First Wednesday of the month 9 AM to Noon
811 E. Main St.
Willow Springs, MO 65793
Days/Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday Noon to 4 PM, Saturday 10 AM to Noon
Samaritan Outreach Pantry
715 Missouri Ave.
West Plains, MO 65775
Days/Hours of Operation:
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9 AM to Noon
Southwest Missouri Office on Aging (SWMOA) Senior Center
903 E. 5th St.
Mountain View, MO 65548
Days/Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7 AM to 3 PM
Phone: (417) 934-6504
Handle mobile distribution As food comes in on a pallet and gets to a station, volunteers count and divide for families. You may help by showing up on the day of distribution. Volunteers will verify documentation of those seeking assistance at the pre-qualification and give vouchers for the date of the truck delivery.
Website: Ozarks Food Harvest Directory
Ozarks Healthcare (OZH)
Ozarks Healthcare
1100 Kentucky Avenue
PO Box 1100
West Plains, MO 65775
Volunteers are the heart of OZH
Volunteers are a vital part of Ozarks Healthcare as they enhance the high quality care given to patients and their families. In 2018 alone, 146 volunteers contributed 22,425 hours to Ozarks Healthcare, a contribution valued at more than $550,000.
Volunteers serve in a variety of roles throughout the health care system, assisting many different departments and gaining a variety of skills. Whatever an individual interest might be, OZH will work with volunteers to find a schedule and position to suit them.
Opportunities include:
- OZH Emergency Department and Urgent Care Clinic – Serving waiting areas by keeping coffee pots prepared, area picked up, answering questions, escorting families to patients and helping with stocking shelves
- OZH Medical library – Computer search, policy revisions, cataloging, project support
- OZH Rehabilitation services – Assist in patient areas by cleaning tables between patients, escorting patients, equipment management
- OZH Gift Shop – Clerk, stock shelves
- OZH West Plains Thrift Store & Mountain View Thrift Store – Sorting, tagging, clerking
Additional volunteer opportunities are available with OZH Riverways Hospice and as OZH Chaplain. To apply for a volunteer opportunity, please visit the following website:
Contact: Dianne Hoover
Phone: (417) 256-9111 ext. 6810
Samaritan Outreach Center
Samaritan Outreach Center
802 US 63 Business
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Samaritan Outreach Center is a 36 bed homeless shelter and homeless outreach. We provide many services to the homeless and those in danger of becoming homeless. We depend on volunteers as we only have a full time and part time paid staff. Volunteering at Samaritan Outreach is an enriching, educational experience.
Three Rivers Hospice
Three Rivers Hospice
Hands & Halos Volunteer Program
901 Broadway
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Doug Hawkins, Volunteer Coordinator of Three Rivers Hospice in West Plains, invites you to “Make a Difference” with the Hands & Halos Volunteer Program. You can volunteer for “as many or as few hours as you wish.” Please contact Doug to discuss areas of interest.
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator Doug Hawkins
Phone: (866) 255-9475 or (417) 255-1560
West Plains Area Habitat for Humanity
West Plains Area Habitat for Humanity
1109 Porter Wagoner
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people everywhere, from all walks of life, to develop communities with people in need by building and renovating houses so that there are decent houses in decent communities in which every person can experience God’s love and can live and grow into all that God intends.
West Plains Area Habitat for Humanity Office Hours are 8 AM-4 PM Tuesday through Friday.
Phone: Office: (417) 256-8246; ReStore: (417) 256-1576.
West Plains Christian Clinic
West Plains Christian Clinic
1115 Alaska Street
Suite 212 (East side of Ozarks Medical Center
West Plains, MO 65775
Non-Medical positions include:
- Grant writers, Greeter, Reception Desk, Phones, Clerical, Help prepare dinners, Transportation, General Maintenance, Cleaning Crew, Bookkeeping, Grant Writing, Web Site, E-mail monitor, Computer Maintenance, Fundraising, Community Outreach, Marketing, Sign Language, Social Worker, Spiritual Counselor, Bi-lingual, Other
For more information and/or to complete a volunteer application, visit the website below.
West Plains Community Garden
West Plains Community Garden
Corner of Lincoln Avenue and Olden Street
West Plains, MO 65775
Non-Medical positions include:
- Each Saturday morning from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM, maintenance takes place in and around the garden such as pulling weeds, shoveling mulch, trimming mums and harvesting produce.
- Other scheduled events for 2015: Thursday, November 19, 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM, Goal: To cover planting areas for over-wintering and weed prevention. We need all the help we can get!
College volunteers are also invited to work independently in the garden outside the above-mentioned times. Please co-ordinate with Dawn Hicks at the Health Department so work can be planned and proper tools made available. We welcome your help!
West Plains Public Library
West Plains Public Library
750 West Broadway
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Volunteers will be asked to perform tasks that include: general cleaning, cleaning windows and dusting shelves/books.
The West Plains Public Library places a high value on volunteers and their dedication to public service. We depend on volunteers and contributions of time, skills and commitment that they give. As a result, we consider it important that our volunteers meet certain standards of the library.
Definition of a volunteer: Volunteers are identified as persons who regularly perform duties or tasks for the library without wages or benefits other than Workers’ Compensation. The volunteers described in this policy are independent from the Friends of the Library volunteers who are governed by their own policies and bylaws.
Two volunteers are needed per month.
Contact: Kelly Cook
Phone: (417) 256-4775
West Plains Regional Animal Shelter
West Plains Regional Animal Shelter
1438 St. Rt. BB
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Volunteers can work in the thrift shop or with the animals. Working with animals includes playing with them, cleaning their areas, walking them, feeding them, etc. Volunteers age 17 and older preferred. One to two volunteers are needed per day for anywhere from two to five hours.
West Plains Senior Citizen’s Center
West Plains Senior Citizen’s Center
416 E Main St
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: The Senior Citizen’s Center needs desk workers, kitchen help and drivers with a clean driving record.
Website: West Plains Senior Citizen’s Center
West Vue Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
West Vue Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
210 Davis Drive
West Plains, MO 65775
Description: Varied opportunities are available to assist with activities, personal assistance and care.