In attendance: Kileene Collins, Grayson Gordon, Emily Gibson, Scott Schneider, Tara Brown, Eryn Walters, Sherath Rongali, Kathy Mann, Vickie Petkovic, Angela Totty, Othniel Emunah and Chulapol Thanomsing.
I. Updates
- Chancellor: We will be receiving a 1.5% increase from Legislature. The bonding measure is moving forward and we are optimistic we will receive 1.5 million for the post office renovation. The Alumni & Friends picnic is May 7; Dr. Ed McKinney will be receiving the Distinguished Faculty/Staff Award and Dr. John Mulford will be receiving the Distinguised Alumni Award. There was a good article about MSU-WP in the BuzzFeed. Graduation is May 16 and all are encouraged to attend. Emily Gibson is the new Director of the Civic Center and she will be missed.
Welcome New Employees:
- Tara Brown, Records & Registration Assistant
- Vickie Petkovic, TRiO Administrative Assistant
Departmental & Additional Updates:
University/Community Programs
- Kid’s College will only last three days this year and registration starts May 1 and goes through the 29th. Applications are available online, in the UCP office or you can email Emily.
- They will be having a picnic on May 8 from 4pm – 7pm in Lybyer Rooms 104 & 105
- Alumni & Friends Picnic is May 7
- The True Blue Auction was a success
- The Herb Lunday Grizzly Golf Classic is June 5; contact Deb Mosley to register.
- The catalog PDF should be available
- They are about 1/2 done getting all of the departments’ websites mobile friendly.
- A new home page is coming soon
- 180+ computers will be ordered and they will be replacing the core router soon.
Business & Support Services
- Greenhouse is complete; Ribbon cutting will be June 16 at 11am
- The post office will be planning a town meeting sometime in the future to gain input from the community for a location for a new post office
- Several open positions around campus
- Jared Cates, Career Services, will begin June 1
- Laurie Wall, Registrar, will begin May 11
- Dr. Michael Orf, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, will begin July 1
Student Events
- Cinco de Mayo celebration, Tuesday, May 5 from 11 – 1pm, in the grassy area behind the Grizzly statue between Looney Hall and Garnett Library. Free lunch provided. Dr. Totty & Kileene will be there making rice necklaces for the students
- International Potluck is May 7 11:30 – 1:30pm in Lybyer 104-105
III. Old Business
Battery Recycling Effort: (Containers are currently located in)
- Lybyer (Student Services – Room 207)
- Cass Hall (Lunch Room)
- TRiO (Entry area)
- Shannon Hall
After the meeting adjourned, it was brought to our attention the student that originally was developing a recycling business is no longer participating so we will continue to collect batteries and pursue other recycling venues.
Staff Dedication Wall: Nothing new to report
Volunteer Opportunity: Nothing reported
IV. New Business
Change of meeting times: Watch for an email to vote for your preference
New Officers:
- President: Mary Kellum
- President Elect: Michelle Branton
- Secretary: Kileene Collins
- Treasurer: Jennifer Walker
Recognition of Outgoing Officers (Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation):
- President: Chulapol Thanomsing
- Secretary: Kileene Collins
- Treasurer: Emily Gibson
IV. Next Meeting: