In attendance: Kileene Collins, Grayson Gordon, Vickie Petkovic, Scott Schneider, Erica Puckett, Alex Graham, Sylvia Kuhlmeier, Jennifer Walker, Jill Stephens, Laurie Wall, Jared Cates, Mary Kellum, and Lu Adams via teleconference.
I. Chancellor Updates: Not present
II. Approval of Minutes from June meeting: Motion made to accept by Jill Stephens and seconded by Jennifer Walker; All in favor.
III. Departmental & Additional Updates:
- TRiO: They are hoping to hear about their grant on August 10th.
- IT: Network will be down tomorrow beginning approx. 5:15pm and will last all weekend.
- Career Services: August 7th is “Find Your Place Day-West Plains” (FYPDWP) from 12-4pm on Springfield campus at the Meyer Library for students with definite plans to transfer to Springfield. Free lunch and tour will be included. Students will be responsible for their own transportation. If you know of any students that would benefit from this, please contact Jared.
- Capital Projects: TRiO parking area is blocked off and ready to be paved once the rain stops. Updates from Scott: The post office has 3 weeks to notify us if they choose to buy the building but we are not expecting them to do so. The BOG approved a 1.8% across the board pay increase for all full time faculty and staff, as well as a raise to any that are below 80% of the national average. We were denied a grant from Southwest Management District but notified by the local office of some additional monies they had available and as a result, we will be obtaining ten outdoor recycling containers that will be placed around campus, thus allowing us to reach our sustainability goal for this new year.
IV. Committees-Bylaws, Events and Volunteer:
- Bylaws (Alex Graham): Alex, Kristy Huff and Becky Craig reviewed our Mission & Bylaws. Alex provided their recommended changes and asked the group to please review them and send any questions or suggestions to her. We will vote to approve them during the August meeting.
- Events (Grayson Gordon): No current events to report. Grayson will be providing training on Event Planning in the near future.
- Volunteer Opportunities (Jared Cates): Howell County Juvenile Office is needing volunteers for 1 hour a week to serve as mentors. Any staff members interested can contact Jason Brown at 256-2432. Habitat for Humanity will have volunteer opportunities in September “A Brush of Kindness”. Jared will have more information as the time draws closer.
V. Administrative Council Updates:
- The Expressive Activity Policy is being reviewed and updated in Springfield and ours will be updated accordingly.
- The Springfield goals were set and number 9 pertains to West Plains Integration with Springfield. Once they are approved they will be published for all to review.
VI. Board of Governors: Mary reported to the Board of Governors and they were impressed with our Staff Senate activities and involvement around campus and our community.
VII. Old Business:
- Battery Recycling: Lu sent Mary the information she collected in the past explaining two options. Mary will gather the information and have discussion at future meetings.
VIII. New Business:
- Welcome Week Gift Bags: Please start collecting items (school supplies) and send them to Mary in TRiO.
IX. Welcome New Staff:
- Jennifer Moore Davidson, Theatre/Events Coordinator for U/CP (Not present, busy with Kid’s College).
- Amy Kirmse, Assistant cook with Food Services (Not present)
Next meeting will be August 6, 2015 at 10:30 in Cass Hall Conference Room.