June 13, 2024 – 10:30am via Zoom
In Attendance: Trish Smith, Kileene Collins, Alexandra Graham, Brittney Adkisson, Alex Cochran, Alyssa Collins, CJ Collins, Mel Steele, Michelle Bryan, Sophia Skinner, Jon Allen, Sue Icenhower, Christina Kerley, Wayne Cahoj, Mikala King, Melissa Jett, Biff Bird, Jennifer Walker, Erica Puckett, Tara Shahan, Douglas Cooley, Tanya Miller, Julie Dulaney, Deana Bell, Barbie Mustion, Cindy Bridges, Trevor Cressman, Donna Monticelli, and Kristi Huff.
Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve agenda and seconded.
Approval of May Minutes – Motion to approve minutes and seconded.
Chancellor’s Report
- Dr. Lancaster is out of the office today, but he did have one announcement: Jeans and GrizzGear can be worn the week of July 1.
Welcome Guests
- Tresa Ryan, Faculty Senate Chair
- Nothing to report
President’s Report (Trish Smith)
- 2024-2025 Staff Senate officers. Need nominations for
- President-elect
- A note about the Secretary role: Kileene Collins has accepted the position.
- The next Administrative Council meeting is Tuesday, June 18. Please let me know if you have any questions or issues you want to bring before the council. My extension is 57900, and my email address is My office door is always open (Kellett Hall, #203).
- Congratulations to Keri Elrod on her new position as Associate Vice-Chancellor for Athletics and Community Engagement as well as interim Athletic Director until the position is filled.
- Congratulations to Trevor Cressman on his new position as Director of Workforce Development.
- Any fundraising ideas: No ideas presented at this time.
- Any volunteer opportunities available: No opportunities mentioned at this time.
- Topic to be thinking about for the July 11 meeting:
- Staff Senate Scholarship
President Elect Report (Vacant)
Secretary Report (Kileene Collins) – no report
Treasurer Report (Alex Graham) – $1,866.58
Department Updates, Announcements, and Committee Updates/Reports
- Committee Reports
- Summer Scholars (Trevor Cressman)
- June 24-28 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Central location: Hass-Darr.
- 6/24 Registration from 8-9 a.m.
- 6/25 Cook-out 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Staff/Faculty welcome to come hang out with the kids and eat lunch.
- 6/27 Cass Ave, next to the greenhouse will be blocked off.
- Summer Scholars (Trevor Cressman)
- Department Reports
- Human Resources (Alyssa Collins)
- New full-time staff: Matthew Hughes, Head Rodeo Coach
- The GAP application for 2024-2025 cohort will be available soon.
- Employee Appreciation Week for the MSU-WP campus will be July 1-5
- Share photos and shoutouts on social media with our official hashtag #GrizzlyShoutout
- As a special “Thank You” from human resources, all full-time staff will receive collector lapel pins and lanyards.
- To show appreciation to all faculty and staff (full and part-time), Chancellor Lancaster is hosting an ice cream social at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 3, in the Carol Silvey Student Union.
- The campus will close at 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 3, courtesy of President Smart.
- The university will be closed July 4th and 5th.
- Shared Leave Pool: Thanks to Kelly Becker for serving on the Shared Leave Pool committee for the last two years. Needing another staff member to fill that position beginning July 1. Melissa Jett volunteered. NOTE: if you are going to lose vacation time, please consider donating it to the Shared Leave Pool.
- Athletics (Brittney Adkisson)
- Game Day Signs: A student worker will be collecting all game day signs today. They will be redistributed prior to the start of volleyball season. Please contact Brittney if your signs are not picked up.
- Business Office (Christina Kerley)
- End of year processes: Reminder the end of this fiscal year is June 30. Services or items purchased by June 30 should be charged to FY24. Invoices dated July 1 or after should be charged to FY25. Contact Christina if you have any questions.
- Human Resources (Alyssa Collins)
- Upcoming Events & Important Dates:
- Board of Governors meeting in West Plains next week.
- Thursday’s reception is invitation only
- Friday’s morning meeting is open to all. The closed session will occur after lunch, and all will take place at the West Plains Civic Center.
- For a complete list of events, please go to
- Board of Governors meeting in West Plains next week.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 10:53 a.m.