Staff Senate Mission Statement:
The Staff Senate serves as a liaison to administration as an advocate for staff welfare and productivity, in conjunction with the University’s mission to support, improve, innovate, and promote academic excellence.
University Mission Statement:
Missouri State University-West Plains empowers students to achieve personal success and to enrich their local and global communities. As a two-year public institution, we provide accessible, affordable, and quality educational opportunities.
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Approval of June Meeting Minutes
Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Dennis Lancaster
Welcome Guests
- Tresa Ryan, Faculty Senate Chair
- Laura Derrick, Springfield Staff Senate President
President’s Report (Trish Smith)
- 2024-2025 Staff Senate officers. President-elect nomination and vote.
- The next Administrative Council meeting is Tuesday, July 23. Please let me know if you have any questions or issues to bring before the Council. My extension is 57900, and my email address is My office door is always open (Kellett Hall, #203).
- Effective Tuesday, July 30, the Springfield Administrative Council meetings will occur every Tuesday instead of Monday. Therefore, effective Monday, July 29, the West Plains Administrative Council meeting will occur every Monday afternoon instead of Tuesday mornings.
- That Friday Thing – which department is next?
- Volunteer opportunities – I have started reaching out to local charities to research volunteer opportunities for our group.
- Fundraising ideas to support the creation of a Staff Senate Scholarship that will provide aid to a current staff member(s) or a student pursuing a higher education
- Welcome to the Grizzly family – Jennifer Edgeller, our new preparatory math specialist/PAWS coordinator
- Congratulations to Rachel Peterson for being named the Grizzly Athletic Director. The sky is the limit for our athletics department!
President-Elect Report (Vacant)
Secretary Report (Kileene Collins)
Treasurer Report (Alex Graham)
Committee Reports
- Campus Security Committee (Crockett Oaks)
Department Reports
- Human Resources (Alyssa Collins)
- Grizzly Ambassadors Program: We are excited to share with you the opportunity to apply for our fourth cohort of the Grizzly Ambassadors Program. GAP is a joint project of Faculty Senate and Staff Senate and is a great way to build relationships with your fellow colleagues. The application deadline is July 26. For more information and to access the application, please visit the GAP website.
- Garnett Library (Rebekah McKinney)
- Rick Mansfield, Tuesday, July 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ozarks Heritage Research Center (see flyer attached to calendar invite)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates:
- For a complete list of events, please go to