July 11, 2024 – 10:30am via Zoom
In Attendance: Trish Smith, Kileene Collins, Alexandra Graham, Sophia Skinner, Mel Steele, Christina Kerley, Jennifer Edgeller, Neva Parrott, Alyssa Collins, Trevor Cressman, Barbie Mustion, Vickie Petkovic, Donna Monticelli, Rebekah McKinney, Melissa Jett, Brittney Adkisson, Pam Tate, Douglas Cooley, Trace Winfrey, Julie Dulaney, Sue Icenhower, Carrie Steen, Luke Hurtt, Biff Bird, Jennifer Walker, Mark White, Kelley Towell, Mike Scheidt, Vickie Driskell, Tara Shahan, and Kristi Huff.
Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve agenda and seconded.
Chancellor’s Report
- Enrollment is looking good, thanks to all involved.
- FLSA new mandate, effective July 1 required us to move some employees from salary to hourly. It is possible the threshold will increase again Jan. 1, 2025. Please contact Dennis or Alyssa in HR if you have any questions.
- Renaming of buildings: The Grizzly House is now Champion Hall and will house outside coaches (baseball, softball, rodeo), training area for athletic training, and e-sports. Garfield Hall will house the Counseling Center. Putnam Student Center will be Putnam Hall – home of the new music program. Lybyer Enhanced Technology will become Lybyer Hall.
- Grizzly Lofts update – housing expecting 199 residents. Preparing for move-in day.
- Questions:
- Do you have an update on our new system President, Dr. Williams?
- He is not Clif; he goes by Biff, and he is very interested in our campus. He is coming from a similar background and familiar with our structure. Dr. Lancaster is optimistic about his leadership. He has been charged by the Board of Governors to create a new strategic plan in the next couple of years for the system, but it will also have some components specific to our campus.
- Do you have an update on our new system President, Dr. Williams?
- Shout-out to Trevor and all involved in the Summer Scholars Academy. Hearing great things from the community.
Welcome Guests
- Tresa Ryan, Faculty Senate Chair
- Nothing to report
President’s Report (Trish Smith)
- 2024-2025 Staff Senate officers. President-elect nomination and vote.
- Nominated: Trevor Cressman. Trevor’s 1 year anniversary as an employee will be July 17 and according to our bylaws, the nominee is to have been an employee for at least a year. We will table the nomination and vote until our August meeting.
- The next Administrative Council meeting is Tuesday, July 23. Please let me know if you have any questions or issues to bring before the Council. My extension is 57900, and my email address is My office door is always open (Kellett Hall, #203).
- Effective Tuesday, July 30, the Springfield Administrative Council meetings will occur every Tuesday instead of Monday. Therefore, effective Monday, July 29, the West Plains Administrative Council meeting will occur every Monday afternoon instead of Tuesday mornings.
- That Friday Thing – which department is next? There is no commitment currently.
- Volunteer opportunities – I have started reaching out to local charities to research volunteer opportunities for our group. More to come during future meetings.
- Fundraising ideas to support the creation of a Staff Senate Scholarship that will provide aid to a current staff member(s) or a student pursuing a higher education. Trish is in the process of communicating with the development office for more insight and this will be discussed further at future meetings.
- Welcome to the Grizzly family – Jennifer Edgeller, our new preparatory math specialist/PAWS coordinator.
- Congratulations to Rachel Peterson for being named the Grizzly Athletic Director. The sky is the limit for our athletics department!
President Elect Report (Vacant)
Secretary Report (Kileene Collins) – no report
Treasurer Report (Alex Graham) – $1,866.58
Department Updates, Announcements, and Committee Updates/Reports
- Committee Reports
- Campus Security Committee (Crockett Oaks)
- A Security Council was formed in March 2024, primarily due to the increase in the homeless community in our area and their presence in our buildings and around campus. The Council participates in monthly meetings unless an urgent need arises.
- Campus Security Committee (Crockett Oaks)
- Department Reports
- Human Resources (Alyssa Collins)
- Grizzly Ambassadors Program: We are excited to share with you the opportunity to apply for our fourth cohort of the Grizzly Ambassadors Program. GAP is a joint project of Faculty Senate and Staff Senate and is a great way to build relationships with your fellow colleagues. The application deadline is July 26. For more information and to access the application, please visit the GAP website.
- Garnett Library (Rebekah McKinney)
- Rick Mansfield, Tuesday, July 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ozarks Heritage Resource Center.
- There are free books available in the library as they are needing to make room for a new mural.
- Business Office (Christina Kerley)
- Reminder they are working to close out Fiscal Year 24 budget items. Please review your budgets and contact Christina ASAP if you have any questions or concerns.
- Human Resources (Alyssa Collins)
- Upcoming Events & Important Dates:
- VB summer camps July 12 and July 17.
- For a complete list of events, please go to
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m.