Ni Hao from Dalian! We have made it through the first week of classes and tutoring in the Academic Center. Along with that we have figured out our way around using the very different modes of transportation, found some fun things to do, and figured out the best places to eat. Don’t worry I take pictures of almost everything I consume so you can get all the juicy details and a vivid image! Along with your typical American restaurants (McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut) my favorite thing to eat is something that’s name I do not know… (Welcome to China… HaHa). Basically its a pita pocket roll stuffed with rotisserie style BBQ pork, sauteed with lettuce, onion bits, and slivers of cucumber and topped some delicious sauces!! The best part?? Its 5 RMB. That’s less than a dollar… Yeah, I love the prices here. Definitely beats out the $1.99 McDouble back home. Add some fresh fruit for dessert (found on every street nearby) and you have yourself one happy Brooklyn! School is pretty great and working with the Chinese students on their English assignments is a lot of fun. Sometimes you relearn yourself why we do the things we do which is often difficult to explain. As the week comes to a close I look forward to sleeping in. Getting back on track is not a simple task, especially 14 hours ahead of your normal time zone! Ah well, there’s always a relaxing tea tasting ceremony calling my name.