In Dalian, the public transportation is fairly good and convenient. Right by the college there are a couple of buses that can take you downtown some of which are; the 101, the 708, and the 705 that run east to west. My personal favorite is the 101 because you pay one RMB (less than a quarter USD) to ride from one end of town to the other. The 101 runs solely on electricity that it gets from power-lines that are above it. It has two arms that are just barely touching these lines. So one time, a car had made the bus go to wide on the road and one of the arms became loose so the bus came to a complete stop. It was stuck in the middle of the road so all the guys got off the bus to push it to where the driver could reattach the arms of the bus. We of course helped to push the bus, which we received thanks from the other people who were also pushing the bus. Another, fun thing that i tried safely was bus surfing. Bus surfing is where you stand up straight on the bus and try not to fall. This is can only be attempted when the bus is not very full. I did all right, but i may not try it again because it takes a lot of focus to see or feel when the bus starts going and when it stops. This is so you will not lose your balance. There is also a train that costs one RMB called the 202 that runs from north to south that can take you to many parks or place to eat quickly and safely. Taxis are difficult because you might know how to say how to get somewhere but getting back is quite difficult. Though taxis are a very good thing if you need to get somewhere in a hurry. Thats a small idea of what the transportation here in Dalian is like.