March 14, 2024 – 10:30am via Zoom
In Attendance: Vickie Petkovic, Kileene Collins, Alexandra Graham, Tanya Miller, Dakota Bates, Mel Steele, Kelly Becker, Christina Hodgson, Pam Tate, Julie Dulaney, Alyssa Collins, Melissa Jett, Jennifer Walker, Carrie Steen, Lindsey Hicks, Mike Scheidt, Biff Bird, Cindy Bridges, Marc Cook, Sophia Skinner, Barbie Mustion, Keri Elrod, Kristi Huff, Brittney Adkisson, and Bruce Cavitt.
Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve agenda and seconded.
Approval of February Minutes – Motion to approve minutes and seconded.
Chancellor’s Report
- Continuing to work on the budget.
- April 8 Eclipse Day will be a remote learning and remote workday. Campus buildings will be locked and closed.
- Rodeo program to start in the fall. Matt Hughes will be the coach.
- Music program to start in the fall. More announcements to come.
- Dakota Bates reported: March 20, the Missouri State Treasurer will be on campus to speak about the MO’s 529 Savings Plan. Melton 112 at 3:15 p.m. All are welcome to attend but offices are to remain open.
Welcome Guests
- Laura Derrick, Springfield Staff Senate Chair
- Their Recruitment and Retention committee working on new policies and if approved, they will be system wide policies.
- Ana Estrella, Public Affairs Committee
- April 5 Interscholastic Competition – expecting 21 schools with 233 students attending. Asking for volunteers. Here is a sign-up link. Faculty and Staff: Interscholastic Contest (
President’s Report (Vickie Petkovic)
- Welcome new staff!
- Jon Allen – nursing admissions coordinator/academic advisor
- Celebration of Leaders nominations are due Friday, March 15
- Thanks to all who participated in the University System President candidates’ open forums on our campus. From a March 4 news email from Stategic Communications: “The board noted campus input played a key role in its decision process.”
- Solicitations from the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association. Discussions tabled until the April meeting.
- That Friday Thing – April 5, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., Lybyer 215.
- 2024-2025 Staff Senate officers. More discussions to come.
- The next Administrative Council meeting is Tuesday, March 26. Please let Vickie know of any questions you have or issues that you want brought before the council.
President Elect Report (Trish Smith) – Not present, no report
Secretary Report (Kileene Collins) – no report
Treasurer Report (Alex Graham) – $1,866.58
Department Updates, Announcements, and Committee Updates/Reports
- Department Reports
- HR (Alyssa Collins)
- The next GAP session will be Friday, March 22 at the historic Lincoln School. Scot Scobee, director of human resources, will be presenting a professional development workshop in leadership. Crockett Oaks will also present on the school’s history.
- ASCEND (Tanya Miller)
- No program fees for the next 2 academic semesters beginning fall 2024.
- Tonight, March 14 is their virtual Open House 6:30-8:30 p.m.
- March 23 In-person Open House 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in Lybyer.
- During some of the Eclipse events, there will be sensory friendly spaces available:
- Saturday, April 6 Cosmic Carnival from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. next to the MSU greenhouse
- Sunday, April 7 Balloon Glow from 4-7 p.m. at the Heart of the Ozarks Fairgrounds.
- April is Autism Awareness Month
- April 2 Turn the Campus Blue event. Asking all staff to wear Grizzly Blue that day. The ASCEND classroom will be open for all to visit between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. They will have snacks and I support Autism Awareness signs to take selfies with, to be shared on social media. They are also hoping to get local businesses to get involved that day.
- April 11 In a Different key movie will be showing at the West Plains Civic Center at 7 p.m. and free to all.
- HR (Alyssa Collins)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates: For a complete list of events please go to
- Friends of the Garnett Library Chili Supper fundraiser, Friday, March 15 at the First Presbyterian Church.
- Interscholastic Competition, Friday, April 5.
- That Friday Thing, April 5, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Lybyer 215
Next Meeting: April 11, 2024, at 10:30am via Zoom
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m.