In attendance: Kileene Collins, Grayson Gordon, Sherath Rongali, Chulapol Thanomsing, Alex Graham, Sophia Skinner, Mary Maupin, Sylvia Kuhlmeier, Jennifer Walker, Rachel Peterson, Bronwen Madden, Jill Stephens, Laurie Wall, Michelle Branton, Jared Cates, Mary Kellum, and Lu Adams via teleconference.
I. Updates
- Chancellor: The process review from the Department of Education will be conducted next week (June 8 – 12). The BOG will meet on our campus June 26th. Dr. Bennett encourages all to take any vacation time we have earned. The budget has been finalized and all employees will get a 1.8% increase in pay, pending BOG approval and all faculty and staff will be moved up to within 80% of market.
Minutes of May meeting: Motion made to accept by Bronwen Madden and seconded by Alex Graham; All in favor.
Treasurer report: $493.45
II. Welcome New Employees:
- Laurie Wall, Registrar
- Jared Cates, Career Services
III. Departmental & Additional Updates:
- TRiO: They are hoping to hear about their grant in July or August. They are taking student applications. Applications are being reviewed for their new Coordinator.
- SBTC: They have entered into an agreement with Google for training.
- IT: 200 new computers have been installed around campus.
- Library: SGA funded 4 new laptops, 2 graphing calculators, 2 cameras and a small boom box, available for rental. They have children’s and young reader books, audio books and DVD’s available.
- AEL: Will now include 9 counties and 12 additional sites.
- T210 will not be available June 8-12. It will be utilized by the Department of Education review team. Chulapol will be in T213.
IV. Old Business:
- Battery Recycle: Daniel Snow is no longer involved. Lu Adams is going to gather her previous information and provide it to Mary Kellum for further discussions.
V. New Business:
- Committees needed
- Bylaws – Alex Graham
- Budget and Priorities – TBD
- Special Events/Fundraising – Grayson Gordon & Sylvia Kuhlmeier
- Community Service/Public Relations – Jared Cates
- Springfield Staff Senate Representatives – TBD
- Proposed Calendar for 2015-2016
- June: Appoint Committees
- July: Plan for back to school events
- August: Gift packages for new students
- September: Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
- October: Lee Denim Days & Chili Cook-Off
- November: United Way Campaign
- December: United Way Campaign
- January: Greet students
- February: City wide Chili Cook-Off
- March: Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
- April: Annual auction
- May: Appointment of new officers
- Mary Kellum is going to make contact with Cheryl Caldwell regarding staff training for scheduling events.
Meeting Date Survey Results: First Thursday of every month, at 10:30am. Due to Holiday next month, next meeting date will be July 10 at 10:30am in Cass Hall Conference Room.