Staff Senate Mission Statement:
The Staff Senate serves as a liaison to administration as an advocate for staff welfare and productivity, in conjunction with the University’s mission, to support, improve, innovate, and promote academic excellence.
University Mission Statement:
Missouri State University-West Plains empowers students to achieve personal success and to enrich their local and global communities. As a two-year public institution, we provide accessible, affordable, and quality educational opportunities.
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Approval of October Meeting Minutes
Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Dennis Lancaster
Welcome Guests
- Jason McCollom, Faculty Senate Chair
- Stacy Tintocalis, Executive Director, Heart of the Ozarks United Way
President’s Report (Vickie Petkovic)
- Events Committee
- That Friday Thing?
- Staff Senate T-shirts
- The next Administrative Council meeting will be Tuesday November 14. Please let me know any questions you have or issues that you want brought before the Council.
President Elect Report (Trish Smith)
Secretary Report (Kileene Collins)
Treasurer Report (Alex Graham)
Committee Reports (none)
Department Reports
- Human Resources (Crockett Oaks)
- Employee Benefits Fair: If you missed the Employee Benefits Fair on October 25 or if you want to review benefits while you are making your choices during open enrollment, a virtual benefit fair is available now through December 1.
- Earn the 2024 Wellness Incentive Discount:In order to educate employees about health benefits resources and to reduce the impact of influenza on our workforce, full-time employees enrolled on the MSU health plan will qualify for the full 2024 wellness incentive by completing an educational “Did you know” questionnaire through My Learning Connection ($15 incentive; available Oct. 9-Dec. 1, 2023) and by receiving a flu vaccination ($15 incentive, received between Aug. 1-Dec. 1, 2023). Refer to the HR blog for more information.
- Health Plan and Prescription Premium Rates: MSU’s health coverage plan will incur rate increases for 2024.
- Staff Excellence in University Service Awards: The nomination deadline is Friday, Nov. 10. The Staff Excellence in University Service Awards recognizes excellence in service to the university among staff employees. University officials wish to recognize those staff employees who strive to do their jobs well daily, those who go above and beyond the call of duty in a special situation, and those who have contributed in a significant way to the success of the university. Six full-time staff employees will receive a one-time $1,500 award. Nomination forms and additional information can be found at
- Workforce Development (Sheila Barton)
- IT (CJ Collins)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates:
- 12/14/23 – Next Staff Senate meeting @ 10:30 a.m., via Zoom
- For a complete list of events please go to